Saturday, October 9, 2010

So, what is on your bed?

I finally have a quilt on my bed that I can sleep under :)

This is a jelly roll pattern, I believe it was "Quilt Magazine" and it went together so quickly.  The quilting design is Mariposa by Patricia Ritter, Urban Elementz, which is butterflies and flowers.  Very pretty, but your tension has to be pretty accurate because the small bends in the pattern can cause some puckering.
I used King Tut Parchment and bottom line.

Are you seeing a pattern to my thread choices?
Of course, you have to see it on my bed.  The "girls" weren't too sure what to think of it as it is not as puffy as the duvet that used to be on the bed.
You will notice that they are sleeping on the quilt and NOT on the mat that is specifically for them!  GRRRR!

Here is a picture of the quilt that I did for Kelly at the local quilt store, Quilt as Desired.  This is the quilt that I had to frog (rip it, rip it).  If you know any particulars about Thimbleberry quilts...they are always BIG!...  Rob gave me permission to post this!

The pantograph used on this quilt was Novaya Zhizn by Beany Girl Quilts available through Willow Leaf Studios.  The thread is again, King Tut - Bedouin which is very similar to Signature - Mother Goose, but a bit more blending IMHO.  Because I was having tension issues at the time, I used Essentials from Connecting Threads in the bobbin, just to balance the weight of the threads.

Well, my order came from Superior (do you believe that I did not have a blue thread that I could use as bobbin thread?).

At least I can get back to quilting :)

Have a great Thanksgiving to all the Canadians.  Enjoy the Turkey!
